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Similar words: muine · Maine · máine · mineral · muilead
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He gripped him by the back of the neck, rug sé i ngreim cainc mhuiníl air.
It was a break-neck path, bhí briseadh muiníl air mar bhealach.
Cervical glands, faireoga an mhuiníl.
They were craning forward, bhí siad ag síneadh a muineál amach.
Low-cut dress, gúna muineál íseal.
She fell upon his neck, chaith sí a dhá láimh timpeall ar a mhuineál.
To fling one's arms round s.o.'s neck, barróg a bhreith ar mhuineál ar dhuine.
Toby frill, rufa m muiníl.
Cost: High neck, muineál ard.
F: The two are of the same kidney, alt d'aon mhuineál an dís; aon chineál amháin an bheirt.
It will be a millstone round his neck all his life, beidh sé ina cloch bhrón faoina mhuineál i rith a shaoil.
The nape of the neck, baic f an mhuiníl.
She flung her arms round his neck, rug sí barróg ar mhuineál air.
He broke his neck, briseadh a mhuineál.
Rac: He won by a neck, ghnóthaigh sé d'fhad a mhuiníl.
High neck, muineál ard.
Low neck, muineál íseal.
Bull-necked, a bhfuil muineál tairbh air.
Square-necked, (gúna) faoi mhuineál cearnach.
V-necked, (gúna) faoi mhuineál píceach.
Shirt open at the neck, léine faoi mhuineál oscailte.
It is part and parcel of it, alt den mhuineál é.
The scrag of the neck, cúl an mhuiníl
To seize him by the scruff of the neck, greim cúl muiníl a bhreith air.
Dressm: V neck, muineál píceach.
F: He hung a weight round his own neck, chuir sé cloch bhró faoina mhuineál féin.
To wring a bird's neck, muineál éin a chasadh.
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