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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for obey »
obey, v.tr. Géillim do, táim umhal do, déanaim rud ar. He is obeyed, déantar rud air. The orders must be obeyed, caithfear na horduithe a chur i gcrích. I must obey orders, caithfead m'orduithe a chomhlíonadh. To obey the law, bheith umhal don dlí. To obey a summons, toghairm f a fhreagairt.
He cannot choose but obey, níl a mhalairt le déanamh aige ach a bheith umhal.
Obey your elders, tabhair modh don aois.
To obey implicitly, beith umhal go huile is go hiomlán.
To obey to the letter, rud a chomhlíonadh go huile is go hiomlán.
(Used only with 'must') I must needs obey, I needs must obey, níl an dara rogha, níl dul as, agam ach bheith umhal.
I require you to obey me, ag iarraidh ort bheith umhal dom.
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