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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for otherwise »
otherwise, adv. 1 Ar chaoi, mhodh, chuma, eile(than, seachas mar, thar mar). To see things otherwise than as they are, rudaí a thuiscint ar chuma eile seachas mar atá siad. I could not do otherwise than leave, ní raibh an dara rogha agam ach imeacht. To think otherwise, bheith ar intinn eile, ar mhalairt intinne. If he is not otherwise engaged, mura bhfuil rud éigin eile ar a aire. Except where otherwise stated . . ., ach an áit a ndeirtear a athrach sin . . . Tales moral and otherwise, scéalta morálta agus scéalta eile. Some people are sensible and some are otherwise, tá daoine ann atá céillí agus daoine nach bhfuil. 2 . Work, otherwise you shall fail, oibrigh, nó (mura n-oibreoidh) teipfidh ort. 3 Otherwise he is very sensible, tá neart céille aige ar gach dóigh eile. The house is too large and otherwise unsuitable, tá an teach rómhór agus mífheiliúnach ar bhealaí eile freisin.
I could have wished it otherwise, b'fhearr liom ar bhealach éigin eile é.
A few thought otherwise, mheas beagán a mhalairt.
Now I am older I think otherwise, anois nuair atá tuilleadh aoise agam tá athrach barúla agam.
Unless otherwise specified, ach a mhalairt a bheith ceaptha.
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