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réaladh could be a grammatical form of: réal »
Development of prints, réaladh cóipeanna.
Developing bath, tubán réalta.
Fixed star, réalta dhaingean.
Guiding star, réalta m eolais.
F: Guiding light, réalta f eolais.
The lodestar, an réalta thuaidh.
To take an observation, pointí airde (gréine, réalta) a bhreacadh.
Five-point star, réalta cúig rinn.
pl.Astr: The Pointers, na Réalta Treorach.
Shooting star, réalta f reatha.
Shooting star, réalta reatha.
The pole-star, an réalta thuaidh.
She will rise to stardom, beidh sí ina réalta fós.
Phot: Developing tray, mias f réalta.
To turn a telescope on a star, teileascóp a dhíriú ar réalta.
The stars were twinkling, bhí na réalta ag rince.
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