Accessories of bicycle, oiriúintí fpl rothair.
Bicycle track, bealach m rothair.
To bicycle to Derry, dul ar rothar go Doire.
To travel by rail, by car, by bicycle, taisteal ar traein, i gcarr, ar rothar.
To cycle to a place, dul go háit ar rothar.
Motorized bicycle, rothar mótair.
P: What price my new bike? céard é do mheas ar mo rothar nua?
Bicycle pump, teannaire m rothair.
To ride on a bicycle, imeacht ar rothar.
To ride a bicycle, imeacht ar rothar; rothar a mharcaíocht.
Tandem bicycle, rothar m beirte.
He took a toss, leagadh den chapall (den rothar, etc.) é.