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To bring a patient through, othar a thabhairt slán, a shábháil.
To care for invalids, aire a thabhairt do, giollaíocht a dhéanamh ar, othair; bheith i bhfeighil othar.
To discharge a patient (from hospital), othar a scaoileadh amach (as ospidéal).
The patient is at a low ebb, tá an t-othar in ísle brí.
The patient has to be fed, caithfear a chuid bia a choinneáil leis an othar.
Invalid chair, cathaoir othair.
(Of doctor) He lost a patient, cailleadh othar air.
A mental case, othar m meabhrach.
The patient is progressing favourably, tá an t-othar ag bisiú.
To pronounce the patient out of danger, a rá go raibh an t-othar as guais.
The patient is making a good recovery, tá an t-othar ag bisiú go maith.
The sick, na hothair; na heasláin.
The patient is sinking, tá an t-othar ag dul i laige.
The patient has taken a turn for the better, tá iompú bisigh ar an othar.
Patients under treatment, othair faoi chúram dochtúra.
Patient wasted by disease, othar tnáite, spíonta, ag an ngalar.
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