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He anticipated his income, chaith sé a theacht isteach sula raibh sé faighte aige.
Come and see me before you leave, tar ag amharc orm sula n-imeoidh tú.
Before winter begins, sula dtiocfaidh an geimhreadh.
Ere he comes, came, sula dtiocfaidh sé, sular tháinig sé.
First catch your hare, cuir an breac san eangach sula gcuire tú sa phota é.
Before we proceed any farther, sula dtéimid níos faide.
Before winter sets in, sula mbeidh sé ina gheimhreadh.
Think before you speak, smaoinigh sula labhróidh tú.
Try the brake before starting, féach an coscán sula dtosóidh tú.
F: He thought twice before doing it, chuimhnigh sé air féin go maith sula ndearna sé é.
Within the week, sula mbeidh an tseachtain caite.
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