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Jur: Absolutely entitled, i dteideal iomlán.
Jur: Abstract of title, achomaireacht teidil.
Form of address, an ghairm, an teideal (a bhéarfaí do dhuine ag labhairt leis).
Legal claim to sth., ceart, teideal, dleathach do rud.
Jur: Colour of title, cosúlacht teidil.
Bronnaim (a title on s.o., teideal ar dhuine); tíolacaim.
Courtesy title, teideal neamhreachtúil.
Jur: To deduce title, teideal a rianú.
Jur: To derive title from sth., teideal á ghabháil ó rud.
Jur: He is entitled to inherit, tá teideal oidhreachta aige.
His title will go to his eldest son, an mac is sine aige a gheobhaidh an teideal ina dhiaidh.
He has a handle to his name, tá teideal aige.
To be qualified to vote, bheith i dteideal vótála.
Jur: To renew a title, teideal a athnuachan.
Running title, teideal reatha.
Slander of title, clúmhilleadh m teidil.
Title by succession, teideal m oidhreachta.
Typ: Bastard title, teideal m bréige.
Clear title, teideal m glan.
To have a title to sth., bheith i dteideal ruda.
Titular possessions, maoin a leanann teideal.
Warranty of title, baránta teidil.
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