tide1, s. 1 A: Ré m, tréimhse f, séasúr m. S.a. CHRISTMAS-TIDE, EASTERTIDE. 2 Taoide f. Flood-tide, taoide tuile; líonadh m. High-tide, lán m mara. Low-tide, lag m trá. To go with the tide, imeacht le sruth, san fheacht. To go against the tide, dul in aghaidh an tsrutha. The tide of battle turned, tháinig athrú ar imeachta an chogaidh.
tide2, 1 v.tr. (Of tide) Iompraíonn, tugann léi. Drift-wood tided up the river, líonadh isteach adhmad raice san abhainn. 2 v.i.Nau: To tide (it) into port, out of port, teacht i gcuan le sruth líonta, dul amach le sruth trá.
Tide-bound, coinnithe ag an lán mhara. S.a. HIDE-BOUND, ICE-BOUND, SNOW-BOUND, WEATHER-BOUND, WIND-BOUND.
The tide is down, tá an taoide tráite.
The tide is ebbing, tá an taoide ag trá.
Equinoctial tide, rabharta mór (na Féile Pádraig, na Féile Míchíl).
Flow of the tide, tuile f, líonadh m, na taoide.
To go against the tide, snámh in aghaidh an tsrutha.
The incoming tide, an líonadh m, an taoide tuile.
Lammas(-day, -tide), Lá Lúnasa.
The tide will lift the boat, ardóidh an taoide an bád.
Low tide, low water, lag m trá.
On-coming tide, an líonadh.
The tide is out, tá sé ina thrá.
Outgoing tide, an taoide trá.
Receding tide, taoide f trá.
Rising tide, líonadh m (mara).
Run of tide, sruth m (tuile, trá).
The tide runs strong, tá sruth trom leis an taoide.
The tide is running out, tá sé ag trá.
F: The tide has set in his favour, tá an sruth leis anois.
He was swept off his feet by the tide, chuir an lán mara óna chosa é, bhain an fharraige é.
To swim with the tide, (i) snámh leis an sruth; (ii) F: dul leis an slua. S.a. SINK2 I.
This sum will tide us over, cuirfidh an tsuim seo thar an ngátar sinn.
Nau: The top of the flood, of the tide, barr taoide, barr láin, lán mara.
Turn of the tide, casadh na taoide.
The tide is on the turn, tá an taoide ar thob casadh.
The tide is turning, tá an taoide ag casadh.
Turning of the tide, iompú m na taoide.
The tide is up, tá sé ina lán mhara.
Washed away by the tide, imithe leis an taoide.
We sailed with wind and tide, bhí sruth agus gaoth linn.
During yule-tide, faoi Nollaig.