It arches at the east end, tá stua sa cheann thoir de.
Caper (-bush, -plant), tor m caprais.
Crude statement of the facts, tuairisc thor ar na cúrsaí.
East of . . ., taobh thoir de . ., lastoir de ...
The East, An Domhan Thoir.
The East Indies, Na hIndiacha Thoir.
The East Indies, na hIndiacha Thoir.
The Orient, an tOirthear, an Domhan Toir.
To drive s.o. from pillar to post, duine a ruaigeadh ó thor go tom.
Raspberry bush, tor sútha craobh.
The wind is settling in the east, tá an ghaoth ag seadú thoir.
To play truant, an lá a chaitheamh faoin tor.