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Similar words: tréigh · tréithe · reith · teith · tráite
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Work that lacks character, obair gan aon tréith shuntasach.
Biol: Acquired characteristics, tréithe fáltais.
Two qualities that are mutually exclusive, dhá thréith nach bhféadfadh a bheith le chéile.
The qualities that go to make a soldier, na tréithe nach mór don saighdiúir.
A peculiarity in young people, tréith ar leith de chuid na hóige.
He inherited that characteristic from his father, óna athair a thug sé an tréith sin.
Strongly marked features, tréithe follasacha.
F: To hold up a mirror to one's contemporaries, tréithe do linne féin a léiriú go grinn.
To portray character, tréithe a léiriú.
To be possessed of a quality, tréith a bheith agat, ionat.
He has many good, bad, qualities, tá a lán dea-thréithe, drochthréithe, ann.
Redeeming feature, tréith chúititheach.
The qualities required for this post, na tréithe is gá don phost seo.
To tell s.o. some home truths, fios a thréithe a thabhairt do dhuine.
What traits in him are noble, a bhfuil de thréithe uaisle ann.
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