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Similar words: trodaí · orda · rodta · rota · taod
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troda could be a grammatical form of: troid »
A pugnacious attitude, goic f troda.
He showed fight, bhí cuil troda air.
He fought his way (out), ghearr sé bealach roimhe amach le teann troda.
Fighting men, fir mpl troda.
Fighting forces, fórsaí mpl troda.
Fighting line, líne f troda.
Always ready for the fray, ullamh chun troda i gcónaí.
To shape up to s.o., gothaí troda a chur ort féin chun duine.
To spar up to s.o., gothaí troda a chur ort féin chun duine.
F: He was spoiling for a fight, bhí cuthach troda air.
To square up to s.o., gothaí troda a chur ort féin chuig duine.
F: He is trailing his coat, tá sé ag iarraidh troda; níl ar bun aige ach iarraim cúis.
F: To be on the war-path, bheith ar thóir troda.
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