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troid1, f. (gs. -oda, pl. ~eanna).1. vn. of troid2. 2. Fight, quarrel. ~ a chur ar dhuine, to challenge s.o. to fight. Ag iarraidh troda atá sé, he is looking for a fight. Ná bí ag baint troda as, don’t pick quarrels with him. Fear troda, fighting man. ~ dorn, fist-fight. ~ bhataí, stick-fight. ~ na mbó maol, harmless fight. S.a. uaigneas 2.
troid2, v.t. & i. Fight, quarrel. Duine a throid, to fight s.o. Ag ~ le chéile, fighting, quarrelling, with one another. Ag ~ leis an anás, contending with want. Throid siad le claimhte, they fought with swords. ~ in aghaidh ruda, to fight against sth. Bhí siad ag troid an talaimh le chéile, they were disputing the possession of the land. Prov:~fidh cailleach i gcruachás, even a worm will turn.
Ná h~ fearg, troid, don’t stir up anger, a fight.
Bhí troid aige leo, he had a fight with them.
Throid siad ~ é, they fought it out.
Troid go himirt ~a, war to the knife.
Bhí fearg, fonn troda, orm, I was angry, eager to fight.
Tine, troid, a bheochan, to start a fire, a fight.
Tá sé ag brú troda orm, he is pressing me to fight him.
Ag troid is ag ~, fighting and quarrelling.
~ catha, cluiche, troda, victory in battle, in game, in fight.
Troid a chur ar ~, to get up a fight.
Cluiche, troid, a chailleadh, to lose a game, a fight.
~ a chur, a throid, a bhualadh, to wage, fight, a battle.
Bhí ~ comhraic, troda, air, his hackles were up.
~ a fhearadh, a throid, to wage, fight, a war.
~ comhraic, troda, fighting-cock.
Troid choileach, cock-fighting.
~ tine, cruála, troda, prevention of fire, of cruelty, of fighting.
Troid, fearg, olc, a chothú, to stir up a fight, anger, evil.
Ag troid faoi chríocha, quarrelling about land boundaries.
~ catha, troda, battle, fighting, ring.
Troid, coimhlint, chrua, hard fight, contest.
Chuir sé ~ troda air féin, he became aggressive.
Chuir sé troid orm, he challenged me to fight.
~ chun troda, a challenge to a fight.
Chuir sé ~ na hoibre, na troda, air féin, he put on a workmanlike appearance, struck a fighting attitude.
Tá ~ troda air, he is spoiling for a fight.
Tá siad ag troid anois ~, now they are really fighting.
~ siúil, oibre, troda, strenuousness of walking, of work, of fighting.
Troid a tháinig as a dheireadh, it ended up in a fight.
~ chun troda, ardent for fight.
Diúltú do throid, do chuideachta, to shun fight, company.
Is tú a chuir ~ leis an troid, it was you who precipitated the fight.
~ troda, fighting formation.
Ag troid, ag gleic, faoin ~ fholamh, fighting, quarrelling, to no purpose, over nothing.
~ troda, readiness to fight.
D’~ troid, achrann, a fight, trouble, developed.
Má éiríonn troid eatarthu, if it comes to a fight between them.
~ na troda, the cause of the fight.
Gheofá troid chrua uaidh, he would give you a hard fight.
Má tá ~ troda ort, if you are keen on fighting.
~ (is) go raibh siad ag troid, because they were fighting.
Aontú, troid, ~ rud, to agree, fight, about sth.
Ag troid go ~, fighting strongly.
Bhí ~ troda air, he was set for a fight.
Bhí ~ troda air, he was spoiling for a fight.
chun) troda, eagerness for fight.
Troid a fhógairt ar dhuine, to challenge s.o. to fight.
~ troda, challenge to fight.
Bhí ~ troda air, he was looking for a fight.
Tá ~ troda faoi, he is bent on fighting.
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