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To fight against s.o., troid le duine.
They fought man against man, throid siad fear san fhear.
A pugnacious attitude, goic f troda.
To fight a battle, cath a chur, a throid.
F: To fight s.o.'s battles, an troid a dhéanamh do dhuine.
That takes the biscuit! bhuail sin amach troid choileach; is measa sin ná an tseamsóg!
To challenge s.o. to fight, troid a chur ar dhuine; cuireadh chun comhraic a thabhairt do duine.
Jur: He conducted his own case, phléigh sé, throid sé, a chúis féin (sa chúirt).
He continued fighting until. . ., throid sé leis go dtí . . .
They fought on equal terms, b’ionann deis dóibh agus iad ag troid le chéile.
To carry on a stubborn fight against s.o., troid fhada righin a dhéanamh le duine.
He showed fight, bhí cuil troda air.
To fight against disease, troid in aghaidh an ghalair.
F: To fight with the gloves off, troid dháiríre a dhéanamh.
They began to fight, d'ionsaíodar a chéile, chromadar ar throid.
He fought his way (out), ghearr sé bealach roimhe amach le teann troda.
To fight it out, é a throid go deireadh.
Fighting men, fir mpl troda.
Fighting forces, fórsaí mpl troda.
Fighting line, líne f troda.
To fight (it out) to a finish, rud a throid go bun an angair.
Always ready for the fray, ullamh chun troda i gcónaí.
He is game for a fight, tá goile aige don troid.
Hard fight, troid chrua.
To involve s.o. in a fight, troid a tharraingt ar dhuine.
He kept out of the fight, d'fhan sé glan ar an troid.
(i) To fight with no less daring than skill, troid go cliste agus go cróga chomh maith céanna.
To fight with naked fists, troid le doirne teo.
Come now, stop fighting, seo anois, stadadh an troid agaibh.
To pick a quarrel with s.o., troid a chur ar dhuine.
At close quarters, (ag troid) bonn le bonn.
To renew the combat, tosú ar an troid athuair.
Weary of resistance, tuirseach den troid.
If hostilities should be resumed, má thosaítear ar an troid arís.
To keep up a running fight, (i) troid agus tú ag teitheadh (ii) Navy: troid reatha a chothú.
To shape up to s.o., gothaí troda a chur ort féin chun duine.
To spar up to s.o., gothaí troda a chur ort féin chun duine.
F: He was spoiling for a fight, bhí cuthach troda air.
To square up to s.o., gothaí troda a chur ort féin chuig duine.
Stand-up fight, troid chothrom.
To fight with cold steel, troid le lanna loma.
It is because of this that they fought, (is) mar gheall air seo a throid siad.
He threw himself into the fray, chuaigh sé de sciuird sa troid.
To fight man to man, a bheith ag troid fear ar an bhfear.
F: To bury the tomahawk, éirí as an troid; síochán a dhéanamh.
To fight tooth and nail, troid go nimhneach.
F: He is trailing his coat, tá sé ag iarraidh troda; níl ar bun aige ach iarraim cúis.
F: To be on the war-path, bheith ar thóir troda.
To fight with s.o., troid le duine.
To fight with knives, troid le sceana.
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