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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for steel »
steel1, s. 1 Metall: Cruach f. Rolled steel, cruach rollaithe. Bar steel, barrachruach. Tungsten steel, cruach thungstain. Steel pen, peann miotail. Steel edge (of tool), béal cruach. Steel bath, folcadán cruach. F: Grip of steel, greim iarnaí. 2 Lit: Lann f; claíomh m. To fight with cold steel, troid le lanna loma. 3 a (For sharpening knives) Raspa m cruach; cruach fhaobhair. b (For striking light) Cruach f. Flint and steel, (sponc m agus) tine chreasa. 4 (Of corset) Easna f chruach. 5 Pharm: Tincture of steel, tintiúr m cruach.
steel2, v.tr. 1 a Cuirim béal, barr, cruach ar (uirlis). b Cuirim craiceann cruach ar (mhiotal eile). 2 You must steel yourself to do it, caithfidh tú do mhisneach a chruinniú chun a dhéanamh. You must steel yourself against it, caithfidh tú do chroí a dhúnadh ina aghaidh. Greed has steeled his heart, rinne an tsaint carraig chloiche dá chroí.
Chrome steel, crómchruach f.
Chromium steel, crómchruach f.
Cold steel, arm m faobhair.
Compound steel, cruach chumasc.
Damask steel, cruach dhamascach.
Flint and steel, sponc agus tine chreasa.
Hardening steel, cruach fhaghartha.
Heart of steel, croí crua.
Manganese steel, cruach mhangainéise.
Mild steel, cruach dhofhaghartha.
Steel pen, peann miotail.
Pressed steel, cruach f chomhdhlúite.
High resistance steel, cruach f ardfhriotaíochta.
Steel ribbon, ribín, banda m, cruach.
Stainless steel, cruach dhomheirgthe.
Steel tape, ribín m cruach.
He has thews of steel, tá sé chomh crua le hiarann.
Tungsten-steel, cruach f thungstain.
Steel wool, olann chruach.
Foeman worthy of my steel, namhaid mo dhiongbhála; mo dhíol de namhaid.
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