Bhí sé ag iarraidh é a cheannach ~ gan mórán airgid aige, he was trying to buy it although he had little money.
D’iarr sé é ~ gan é ag teastáil uaidh ar chor ar bith, he asked for it although he did not need it at all.
~, d’~, gur labhair mé leis, although I spoke to him.
Cé fuar bheirid a bhuí, although they give cold thanks for it.
Cé go, nach, bhfeicim iad, although I see, do not see, them.
Cé gur, nár, creideadh mé, although I was, was not, believed.
Más ~ le rá é, although it is not a very nice thing to say.
~ neart agam air, although I can’t help it.
~ againn ach iad, although they were all we had.
~ go bhfeadar có tú, although I know not who you are.
Cé go raibh an long i ngéibheann níor cailleadh í, although the ship was in sore distress it was not lost.
Cérbh ~ a n-ábhar fíocha, although they had much cause to be at feud.
Dá mhéad uair dár casadh orm é, although I met him ever so many times.
agus) Agus ~ tuirseach go leor mar atá, although you are tired enough as you are.
agus) Ní éistfeá liom agus ~ sa láthair? You wouldn’t listen to me although you were present?