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ar gcúl, backwards) (For rules governing use with article see
Ar aghaidh, ar gcúl, ar deis, ar clé, forwards, backwards, to the right, to the left.
Thit sé i ndiaidh a chúil, he fell backwards.
Cuireadh i ndiaidh a chúil é, he was sent reeling backwards.
Ar g~, backwards.
Bhí siad ag dul i n~ a gcúil, they were moving, falling, backwards.
Ag ~ (thart), walking backwards, sideways (like a crab); crawling about.
I bh~, in the reverse direction; backwards.
Bhí sé ag imeacht i leith a chúil, a dhroma, he was moving backwards, backing away.
Dul ar ~ do chúil, to go backwards.
Ag ~adh siar agus aniar, bending backwards and forwards.
Ní raibh ~ ar mo chúl ná ar m’aghaidh agam, I could go neither backwards nor forwards; I had no way out of the difficulty.
Dul ar gcúl, to go backwards, to decline.
Bhí siad ag dul i leith a gcúil, they were moving backwards.
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