bliain, f. (gs. -ana, pl. -anta, pl. form with numerals -ana). Year. An Bhliain Nua, Úr, the New Year. ~ an Tiarna, (in) the year of our Lord. ~ bhisigh, leap year. I mbliana, this year. An bhliain seo caite, a chuaigh thart, last year.
In ~ na mblianta, well advanced in years.
Dá mbeadh bliain eile agam, if I had another year.
Breis ~ bliain, more than a year.
Na blianta gan ~, the forgotten years.
Bliain airgeadais, financial year.
Ag áireamh na mblianta, counting the years.
Tráthanna ~ den bhliain, (at) certain times of the year.
An t-~ seo den bhliain, (at) this time of year.
Ó dheich mbliana ~, from ten years onwards.
~ sa lá, sa bhliain, late in the day, in the year.
~ is isteach le bliain, a year approximately.
Sula raibh an bhliain ~, before the year was out.
Tá an talamh sin ~ le trí bliana, that land has been in lea for three years.
~ agus istigh ar bhliain, about a year.
Mo chuid d’~ na bliana, my share of trouble for the year.
Tháinig sé ~ go maith le bliain, he has come on well during the past year.
~ go ceann bliana, for a year from now.
Le bliain ~, for the past year.
Síol na bliana ~, last year’s seed.
Tá sé bliain d’~, he is a year old.
Trí bliana ar chéad, one hundred and three years.
Tá orlach, bliain, agat orm, you are an inch taller, a year older, than I am.
Tá an lá, an bhliain, ag ársú, it is getting on in the day, the year.
Tháinig ~ mór ort le bliain, you have greatly altered in the past year.
~ ar mhíle, ar bhliain, over a mile, a year.
Corradh ~ le bliain, a little over a year.
Le blianta ~a anuas, during the past few years.
Is ~ má tá sé bliain d’aois, he is barely a year old.
Níor bheannaigh sé anseo le bliain, he has not been here for the past year.
Bheith bliain d’aois, troigh ar airde, slat ar fad, tonna meáchain, punt an chloch, to be a year old, a foot high, a yard long, a ton weight, a pound a stone.
Bliain bhisigh, leap year.
I m~ na bliana, an tsamhraidh, during the longest days of the year, of the summer.
Ag ~ ar chéad bliain, punt, close on a hundred years, pounds.
~ ar bhliain, ar mhíle, about a year, a mile.
~ agus bliain, more than a year.
Tá sé ag brú ar dhaichead bliain ó tharla sé, it is close on forty years since it happened.
~ an ama, na bliana, most of the time, of the year.
D’iarr sé ~ bliana orthu gan cath a chur leis, he asked them for a year’s respite from battle.
Bliain go Bealtaine seo ~, a year last May.
Tá na blianta á gcaitheamh, the years are passing.
Chaith an obair bliain ar bun, the work lasted a year.
Lón caite na bliana, the year’s supply.
Trí bliana is ~; trí bliana ~d, fifty-three years.
~ fear, bean, bliain, orlach, fifty men, women, years, inches.
An ~ bliain, huair, the fiftieth year, time.
Le linn an chaogadú bliain, na ~ bliana, during the fiftieth year.
~ fear, bean, punt, bliain, one hundred men, women, pounds, years.
Lá cinn bhliana, last day of year.
~ fear, bliain, forty men, years.