Cuir i do bhrollach é, put it in your bosom.
I g~ a theaghlaigh, in the bosom of his family.
~ cnis, leapa, bosom, bed, companion; spouse.
~ croí a dhéanamh le leanbh, to hug a child to one’s bosom.
Cara cléibh, bosom friend.
I g~ na talún, na gcnoc, in the bosom of the earth, of the hills.
Ar chrioslach na mara, on the bosom, surface, of the sea.
Ina ~, in her bosom, on her person.
~ (an chléibh), breast, bosom.
Ag ~adh mo chroí i mo lár, transfixing my heart in my bosom.
Theann sí an leanbh lena h~, she pressed the child to her bosom.
A bhean ~a, the wife of his bosom.