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buntáiste, m. (gs. ~, pl. -tí). Advantage. ~ a bhaint as rud, to turn sth. to advantage. ~ a bhreith, a ghlacadh, ar dhuine, to take advantage of s.o. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, a ligean le duine, to give s.o. an advantage. Tá ~ agat orm, you have the advantage of me. Tá ~ na hóige aige, he has the advantage of youth. ~ na malairte, the benefit of the exchange. Ní raibh ~ ar bith aige as a mhargadh, he made nothing out of his bargain. Ag breith ~ ar a chéile, outsmarting one another. Rug sé ~ ar mo chuid cainte, he made unfair use of, was unduly critical of, what I said. Fuair sé mo bhuntáiste, he put me at a disadvantage. (Var: f)
Tá buntáiste aige orm, he has an advantage over me.
Tá buntáiste aige ort, he has an advantage over you.
Úsáid, buntáiste, a bhaint as rud, to make use, take advantage, of sth.
Buntáiste a choinneáil ar dhuine, to retain an advantage over s.o.
Bua, buntáiste, a fháil, to gain a victory, an advantage.
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