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céadfa, f. (gs. ~, pl. ). 1. (Bodily) sense. Na cúig ~í (corpartha), the five (bodily) senses. Tá a chiall is a chéadfaí aige, he is in possession of all his faculties; he is in his senses. Chaill sé a chiall is a chéadfaí, he lost, took leave of, his senses. 2. Perception, understanding. (Var: ~idh f, gs. ~dh, pl. ~dha)
An rud a bhreoigh mo chiall, mo chéadfaí, what enfeebled my mind, my senses.
Ag ~adh na gcéadfaí, titillating the senses.
~ na ngéag, na gcéadfaí, feebleness of the limbs, of the senses.
Mhaolaigh sé mo chéadfaí, it dulled my senses.
Céadfaí, intleacht, ag ~, bodily senses, intelligence, becoming impaired.
Na céadfaí a mheirbhliú, to deaden the senses.
~ na gcéadfaí, gratification of the senses.
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