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ceansú could be a grammatical form of: ceansaigh »
ceansú, m. (gs. -saithe). 1. vn. of ceansaigh. 2. Appeasement, pacification; control, restraint.
Bean bhorb a cheansú, to tame a headstrong woman.
Páistí a cheansú, to quiet, control, children.
Fearg a cheansú, to appease anger.
Capall a cheansú, to tame, curb, a horse.
An cholainn a cheansú, to restrain the body, the flesh.
Do chroí a cheansú, to put one’s heart at rest.
Rinne sé an capall a cheansú, he controlled the horse.
~ ar dhuine a cheansú, an attempt to pacify s.o.
Capall a mhíniú agus a cheansú, to quieten and control a horse.
An ~ a cheansú, to tame the proud.
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