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Similar words: charge · chargee · charger · charred · changer
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charged could be a grammatical form of: charge »
Bhain sé punt díom orthu, he charged me a pound for them.
Tá ~ a chrochta air, he could be hanged for the crime with which he is charged.
Tá ~ bháis, a chrochta, air, he could be put to death, hanged, for the matter with which he is charged.
Ag ligean mine amach ar ~, giving out meal on credit (with interest to be charged).
Cúisíodh i gcoir é, he was charged with an offence.
An choir a cuireadh ina leith, the crime with which he was charged.
Níl tú ó chúiseamh fós ann, you may still be charged with it.
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