~ a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to cheat, defraud, s.o.
~ a chur tamall eile ar an mbás, to cheat death for another while.
Rinne sé ~ dubh orm, he cheated me.
~ bealaigh, slí, waylaying, hold-up, highway robbery; cheating, robbery.
~ slí a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to waylay s.o.; to rob, cheat, s.o.
~t ar dhuine, to play a prank on s.o.; to cozen, cheat, s.o.; to get a rise out of, annoy, s.o.
~ a dhéanamh, to cheat (at cards).
Rinne tú ~ orm, you cheated, deceived, me.
Ná lig dó an mhéar a thabhairt duit, don’t let him inveigle, cheat, you.
~ a dhéanamh, a imirt, ar dhuine, to cheat, swindle, s.o.
Ag ~, cheating, swindling; playing the rogue, play-acting