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cat, m. (gs. & npl. cait, gpl. ~). 1. Cat. ~ baile, tame, domestic, cat. ~ fiáin, fia, wild cat. Cad é a dhéanfadh mac an chait ach luch a mharú? Like father like son. Dhéanfadh sé ~ is dhá eireaball air, (Ironical) he can work wonders. Prov:Ar mhaithe leis féin a bhíonn an ~ ag crónán, ‘a cat purrs for its own benefit’. Hist:An C~ Breac, text-book used at 19th century proselytisation class. ~ breac, turncoat. Gan ‘~ dubh’ ná ‘~ bán’ a rá leis, not to say anything (acrimonious) to him. S.a. ceann11 (k), críonna 1(b), dúchas 4, eireaball 5, feoil 2. 2. ~ crainn, pine marten. 3. ~ mara, (i) angel-fish, (ii) calamity. Cad é an ~ mara a sheol anseo é? What mischance brought him here? 4. Cait bhrád = gaid bhrád :gad13.
An cat a d’ól an bainne, the cat which drank the milk.
Ag ~adh is ag at mar a bheadh cat i mála, working oneself into a frenzy of exasperation.
Cat bradach a gheobhadh ~ uirthi, she gives nothing away.
Cat ~, thieving, sly, cat.
Níl ~ cait ann, he hasn’t the strength of a kitten.
Chomh ~ le cat a mbeadh póca air, as proud as Punch.
~ an chait, fluff, down (on cheek, neck).
an chait, the hob.
~ cait, long-eared owl.
Tá sé san áit nach mbaineann an cat an ~ de, it is well secured, locked up.
~ cait, dog’s-ear.
~ (cait), carrageen moss.
Is fearr greim de choinín ná dhá ghreim de chat, quality is better than quantity.
An cat is a chóisir, the cat and its (train of) kittens.
Is maith an ~ an cat, a cat can foretell the weather.
Is ~ don chat a phiscín, a cat feels the loss of its kitten.
Níor chríonna an cat ná an coimhéadaí, ‘the watcher was as cunning as the cat’, the trick was discovered in time.
~ cait, cat’s paw.
~ cait, the purr of a cat.
~ éin, cait, portáin, claw of bird, of cat, of crab.
~ cait, clawing cat.
~ (a chait)! Scat!
~ bhean an tí ag an gcat, the cat benefits by the housewife’s negligence.
Is é fuadach an chait ar an ~ aige é, he has caught a Tartar.
Chuir an cat ~ air féin, the cat arched its back.
Briseann an ~ trí chrúba, trí shúile, an chait; sciurdann ~ trí na crúba (agus leanann cú giorria), everything takes after its kind.
~ cait, cat’s-tail, reed-mace.
~ chait, chapaill, fatty hydrocarbon found in bog.
Cat ~, wildcat.
~ an chait (ar a thuar) a dhéanamh ar rud, to try to conceal the obvious; to do sth. in a cursory manner.
Ag cur cat, madraí, ar fhuinneoga, Bluffing, humbugging, people.
Chuir an cat a gha ann, the cat clawed him.
Bhainfeadh sé ~ as cat, it would make a cat laugh.
~ cait, madra, cat’s, dog’s, paw.
Cuirfidh an cat a leadáin ionat, the cat will claw you.
Déan ~~ leis an gcat, stroke, fondle, the cat.
~ cait, catmint.
~ (cait), kitten.
Cat ~, tabby cat.
Cat ag ~ ar luch, a cat running at a mouse.
Shalaigh an cat ar an urlár, the cat soiled the floor.
~ cait, squeal of cat.
~ cait, scratching cat.
~ an chait ag an bpuisín, ‘the kitten walking like the cat’, the boy aping the man.
Tá ~e cait aige, he has eyes like a cat, can see in the dark.
~ chait, black sole.
~ cait ina chraiceann, wonderful feat of dexterity.
~ cait is féasóg air! It’s all damned nonsense!
An cat a d’ól an bainne, the cat which drank the milk.
Cat ~, thieving, sly, cat.
~ baile, tame, domestic, cat.
~ fiáin, fia, wild cat.
Ar mhaithe leis féin a bhíonn an ~ ag crónán, ‘a cat purrs for its own benefit’.
~ na slise, (form of) tip-cat.
~ na mban sí, reed-mace, cat’s tail.
An cat is a chóisir, the cat and its (train of) kittens.
Is maith an ~ an cat, a cat can foretell the weather.
Is ~ don chat a phiscín, a cat feels the loss of its kitten.
Níor chríonna an cat ná an coimhéadaí, ‘the watcher was as cunning as the cat’, the trick was discovered in time.
~ cait, cat’s paw.
~ cait, the purr of a cat.
~ éin, cait, portáin, claw of bird, of cat, of crab.
~ na gé, cat’s cradle.
~ cait, clawing cat.
Rinne sí ~ dín de, she made a cat’s-paw of him.
~ bhean an tí ag an gcat, the cat benefits by the housewife’s negligence.
Ag cur de dhíon is de dheora, pouring rain, raining cats and dogs.
Chuir an cat ~ air féin, the cat arched its back.
~ cait, cat’s-tail, reed-mace.
~ capaill, cat’s-tail grass.
Chuir an cat a gha ann, the cat clawed him.
Bhainfeadh sé ~ as cat, it would make a cat laugh.
~ cait, madra, cat’s, dog’s, paw.
Cuirfidh an cat a leadáin ionat, the cat will claw you.
Níor ~ seanchat é féin riamh, ‘an old cat never scorches itself’.
Déan ~~ leis an gcat, stroke, fondle, the cat.
Bhí siad ag troid is ag marú a chéile, they were fighting like cats and dogs.
~ bloscaidh, cat-ice.
Cat ~, tabby cat.
Cat ag ~ ar luch, a cat running at a mouse.
Shalaigh an cat ar an urlár, the cat soiled the floor.
~ cait, squeal of cat.
Bhí sé ag cur, ag caitheamh, sceana gréasaí, it was raining cats and dogs.
~ cait, scratching cat.
~ an chait ag an bpuisín, ‘the kitten walking like the cat’, the boy aping the man.
Tá ~e cait aige, he has eyes like a cat, can see in the dark.
~chait, cat’s-eye.
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