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~ gáire, bróin, gearáin, cause of, for, laughter, sorrow, complaint.
~ bocht, ‘poor mouth’, persistent complaint of poverty.
An té nach ngoilleann do chás air ná déan do ghearán leis, do not bring your complaints where they are not wanted.
~ a dhéanamh (le duine, ar dhuine), to make a complaint, state a grievance (to s.o., against s.o.).
Glac a bhfaighidh tú is ná bí ag ~, accept without complaint whatever you get.
Tá ~ ghearáin aige, he has cause for complaint.
~ gearáin, faoistine, matter for complaint, for confession.
Gearán a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to make a complaint against s.o.
Ní raibh casaoid ar bith ina dhiaidh, there was no complaint as a result of it.
Ábhar éilimh, cause of complaint.
Cad é an t-~ atá aige? What is the nature of his complaint?
Níl tú in áit a bheith ag éileamh, you have no ground for complaint.
~ a dhéanamh, to voice a complaint.
Cúis ghearáin, cause of complaint.
Ní ~ta dom, I have no cause for complaint.
~ gearáin, chief cause for complaint.
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