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Similar words: caisle · cuile · cuise · chuile · cliste
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cuisle1, f. (gs. ~, pl. -lí). 1. Vein. An fhuil ag rith trína chuislí, the blood coursing through his veins. Má tá aon deoir fhola i do chuislí, if there is a drop of blood in your veins, any manliness in you. ~ mhór, artery. ~ na héigse, the fount of poetry. Tá ~ ghaoil againn le chéile, we are related by blood to each other. Scaoil ~ (na féile) ann, he had a generous impulse. 2. Pulse. ~ duine a fhéachaint, a bhrath, to feel s.o.’s pulse. Tá ~ ar mo chroí, my heart is throbbing. A chuisle mo chroí! My heart’s beloved! 3. Forearm, wrist; (of horse) forearm. Bhí a chasóg ar a chuisle aige, he had his coat on his arm. Bheadh do chuisle cortha ina dhiaidh, it would make you wrist-weary. Tá ~ ag an mbás air, he is in the grip of death. 4. ~ farraige, narrow arm of sea. ~ uisce, cuain, water, harbour, channel. ~ sléibhe, overgrown mountain stream. 5. Geol: Seam, thread. 6. Flute. (a)Mus:Ceol ~, flute music. (b)Arch:~ a chur i gcolún, to flute a column. (Var:gs. & gpl. ~ann; npl. ~acha, ~anna)
cuisle2 = coiste.
Cuisle a bhrath, to feel a pulse.
Croí, cuisle, ag bualadh, heart, pulse, beating.
~ croí, cuisle, heart-, pulse-, beat.
croí, cuisle, valve of heart, of vein.
Cuisle a fhéachaint, to feel a pulse.
~ fola, cuisle, letting of blood, of vein.
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