D’~ a chur faoi dhuine, to influence s.o.
Cuir do lámh i m’~, faoi m’~, take my arm (for support).
~ a chur ar, faoi, bhróg, to resole a shoe.
~í (síochána), a chur ar dhuine; duine a chur faoi bhannaí, to bind s.o. over (to the peace).
Cuir ~ faoi, ar a bhéal faoi, é, place it upside down.
Cuir faoi bhéal cléibh é, put it under an upturned creel.
~ a chur ar, faoi, rud, to grease sth.
Cuir ~ faoi d’ioscaidí, [’grease your hams’, quicken your pace, hurry up.
~ a chur ar, faoi, dhuine, to shut s.o. up.
Duine a chur faoi luí na ~e, to put the screws on s.o.
~ a chur le, faoi, rud, to provide a base, basis, for sth.
~ a chur faoi charraig, to insert a levering stone under a rock.
Cuir do bhos ar do bhéal faoi, keep it to yourself, don’t speak about it.
Rud a chur faoi bhráid duine, to set sth. in front of s.o.; to submit, refer, sth. to s.o.
Cás a chur faoi bhreith duine, to submit a case to s.o. for determination.
Duine a chur faoi bhrí a mhionna, a onóra, to put s.o. to the test of his oath, of his honour.
6. An lá, an aimsir, a chur faoi bhruth, to while away the day, the time.
~ a chur faoi rud, to quoin up sth. 2. Coin.
~ faoi a chur ar dhuine, to humiliate s.o.
Chuir mé ~ air faoi, I asked him about it.
Rud a chur faoi chlóic, to cloak sth.
Do lámh a chur faoi choim duine, to put one’s hand round s.o.’s waist.
Duine a chur faoi do choimirce, to take s.o. under one’s protection.
Chuir siad faoi choinne an dochtúra, they sent for the doctor.
~ a chur ar, faoi, eangacha, to tan fishing-nets.
~ a chur faoi dhuine, to disturb s.o.
Chuir sé ~ faoi na héin, he alarmed the birds.
Chodlóinn dá mbeifeá gan ~ a chur fúm, I would have slept if you hadn’t startled me.
Chuir siad na páistí faoi chónaí, they got the children off to sleep.
~ faoi chosán a chur ar dhuine, to put s.o. on the wrong track.
Do chosa a chur fút, to get on one’s feet.
Níl ~ aige le cur faoi, he is footless, very drunk.
Rud a chur faoi chois, to trample on sth.; to suppress sth.
~ a chur ar, faoi, chapall, to shoe a horse.
~ a chur ar dhuine (le, faoi, rud), to press s.o. unduly (with, on account of, sth.).
Na boicht a chur faoi chuing, to subject the poor to oppression.
Rud a chur faoi rud eile, to put sth. under sth. else.
Chuir sé a chosa faoi, he got his feet under him, got on his feet.
Talamh a chur faoi eorna, to put land under barley.
Duine a chur faoi riail, faoi umhlaíocht, to bind s.o. to rule, to obedience.
~ faoi do choimirce iad, place them under your protection.
Anáil a chur faoi rud, (i) to breathe upon sth., (ii) to exert an influence on sth.
~ séideog faoi, blow on it.
Chuir siad gráin na háite fúinn, they made us hate the place.
Ná ~ scaoll fúthu, don’t make them panic.
Tá an bhó ag cur fúithi, the cow’s udder is filling (prior to calving).
Rud a chur faoi do mhuineál, to put sth. round one’s neck.
~ faoi do choim é, put it round your waist.
Cur fút in áit, to settle down in a place.
An t-oileán a chur fút, to sail to windward of the island.