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~a fuinnimh, pulses of energy.
Tá mé ag cailleadh mo bhrí, I am losing my energy.
Cuirfidh an bia ~ ionat, the food will give you energy.
Ag ~eamh le himirt is ag ~eamh le hól, wasting money on gambling and drink. (ii) (Of care, energy, etc.)
Teas a chlaochlú go fuinneamh, to transform heat into energy.
~ a ghiniúint, a ídiú, to generate, consume, energy.
~ agus fuinneamh, fire and energy.
Le fuinneamh is le ~, with energy and zest.
~ adamhach, folaigh, gluaiseachta, nasctha, poitéinsiúil, statach, atomic, latent, motive, binding, potential, static, energy.
Fuinneamh ~a, activation energy.
Bheith ar do ~ lúith, to be bounding with energy; to be fit and well.
Níl mórán ~ fágtha ann, there isn’t much energy left in him.
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