Scéal a cheartú do dhuine, to explain, give the ins and outs of, a story to s.o.
Rud a insint a mhíniú, a mhúineadh, do dhuine, to tell, explain, teach, sth. to s.o.
Rud a mhíniú le h~, to explain sth. by example.
Ba cheart duit an chaint sin a iomardú uirthi, you should charge her with, call on her to explain, that statement.
Focal a mhíniú, to explain a word.
Tá mé ag iarraidh mo chás a mhíniú duit, I am trying to explain my case to you.
~ a thabhairt ar rud, to explain sth.
An rud ~ míníodh agus ~ tuigeadh, the thing that was neither explained nor understood.