Ag eachtraí ar na Fianna, ar na tíortha coimhthíocha, relating (wonder) stories of the Fianna, of foreign lands.
Fianna Fhinn; na Fianna, legendary warrior-bands of Fionn Mac Cumhaill.
~a (fear) Éireann, Alban, warrior-bands of Ireland, of Scotland.
Fianna Éireann, national insurrectionary scout body.
Fianna Fáil, Fianna Fáil political party. 4. (Of pieces in board game)
Na fianna a bhíodh do do ~, the warrior bands who served under your command.
An méid de na Fianna a theastaigh uainn, those of the Fianna who were lost to us.
In ~ na bhFiann, in the time of the Fianna.
An D~ Féinne, the chant of the Fianna.
Ag eachtraí ar na Fianna, ar na tíortha coimhthíocha, relating (wonder) stories of the Fianna, of foreign lands.
An Fhiannaíocht, the Fianna cycle of Irish literature.
Scéal ~a, story of the Fianna; romantic legend; fictitious tale, fiction.
Ag ~, telling stories of the Fianna, etc.
~ na Féinne, the last of the Fianna.
An ~ gréine, ‘the sunburst’, banner of ancient Fianna (of Fionn).
An méid de na Fianna a theastaigh uainn, those of the Fianna who were lost to us.