Dlí, móid, tearmann, geasa, a choilleadh, to violate a law, a vow, a sanctuary, taboos.
Geasa ~ draíochta, severe magical taboos; binding spell.
Fuasclaíodh a geasa, she was released from her spell.
B’olc leis na geasa a cuireadh air, he didn’t like to be so adjured.
Geasa adha (agus adhmhillte), lawful injunctions (under pain of destruction).
Geasa droma draíochta, inviolable magic spells.
Cibé geasa a bhí aici air, whatever fascination she had for him.
Gur briseadh faoi dheireadh ar na geasa, until at last the spells were broken.
Geasa a lot, to violate prohibitions.