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géarú could be a grammatical form of: géaraigh »
géarú, m. (gs. -raithe).1. vn. of géaraigh. 2. Sharpening. ~ lainne, the sharpening of a blade. ~ gaoithe, freshening of wind. ~ datha, heightening of colour. ~ péine, intensifying of pain. ~ achrainn, aggravation of dispute. ~ goile, whetting of appetite. 3. Souring. Tá ~ ar an mbainne, the milk has turned sour. 4. Quickening. ~ siúil, increase of speed. ~ buille, sharpening of blow, of stroke. Déan ~ beag, hurry on a bit. 5. ~ capaill, roughing of horse’s shoes.
Géarú, fadú, ar do choiscéim, to hurry, lengthen, one’s footsteps; to step it out.
Géarú ar an g~, to increase one’s pace.
Tá a cheannaithe ag géarú leis an aois, his features are becoming sharper with age.
Tá an cnoc ag géarú orainn, the hill is getting stiffer against us.
Gaoth ag géarú, wind freshening.
Tá sé ag géarú chun gála, it is rising to gale force.
Pian ag géarú, pain intensifying.
Fuaim ag géarú, sound becoming sharper, more piercing.
Tá a glór ag géarú, her voice is getting shriller.
Teanga ag géarú, tongue getting sharper, more sarcastic.
Géarú ar dhuine, to speak sharply to s.o.
Bainne ag géarú, milk turning sour.
Ithir ag géarú, soil becoming acid.
Géarú ar shiúl, to increase speed.
Tá siad ag géarú orainn, they are catching up on us.
Tá siad ag géarú na madraí chun a chéile, they are inciting the dogs against each other.
Géarú, maolú, luais, increase, decrease, in speed.
~ géaraithe, teirminealach, uilleach, accelerated, terminal, angular, velocity.
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