Tá grá, gráin, aithne mhaith, air, he is loved, hated, well-known.
Ní lú orm, liom, an diabhal, an sioc, ná iad, I hate them like the devil.
Chuir siad gráin na háite fúinn, they made us hate the place.
Ní lú orm an ~ ná é, I hate it like poison.
~ a bheith agat do, ar, rud, to hate sth.
~ buile, nimhe, na ndaol, an diabhail, mad, venomous, black, devilish, hate.
~ a thabhairt do rud, to come to hate sth., to turn against sth.
~ shaolta, shíoraí, lasting hate.
~ an diabhail, devilish hate.
Tá ~ san fheoil acu dá chéile, they hate each other like poison.
D’íosfainn le gráinnín salainn é, I hate the sight of him.