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iasachta could be a grammatical form of: iasacht »
Tháinig sé a iarraidh iasachta orm, he came to ask me for a loan.
Bíonn ~a crua ar chapall iasachta, faoi chapall na comharsan, ‘a borrowed horse is hard of foot’, borrowing leads to abuse.
De dhéantús iasachta, na hÉireann, of foreign, Irish, make.
Ball ~a, borrowed article.
Focal ~a, loan-word.
Duine ~a, person from outside, stranger, foreigner.
Teach ~a, strange house, house other than one’s own.
Ainm ~a, strange, unfamiliar, name.
Tír, teanga, ~a, foreign country, language.
Seal aithghearr ~a, a short passing while.
~ iasachta, raising of loan.
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