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I m’~, in ~ liom, near, next, to me.
Tá a lámh in ~ leis, he has lost the use of his arm.
Ná labhair thar d’~, os cionn d’anála, air; ná lig in aice, le hais, d’anála é, don’t breathe a word of it.
Bhí sé ~ in aice linn, he was there (on former occasion) beside us.
Tá a cairdese in aice léi, her friends are near her.
In aice leis an ~, close to the blaze, to the fire.
Táimid ag teacht in aice leis an áit, we are coming near the place.
An ~ atá in aice liom, the person next to me.
Thóg mé iad in aice le Nás, I picked them up near Naas.
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