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~ staighre, dréimire, step of stairs, of ladder.
Dréimire a chur le balla, to put a ladder against a wall.
Aill, crann, dréimire, a dhreapadh, to climb a cliff, a tree, a ladder.
Dréimire ~a, scaling-ladder.
1. ~ taca, step-ladder.
~ teile, accommodation ladder.
D’~ an dréimire, the ladder gave way.
In ~ ar an teach, ar an dréimire, up on the house, on the ladder.
Dréimire ~, rope-ladder.
~ dréimire, rung of ladder.
Cuir an dréimire ina sheasamh le binn an tí, set the ladder up against the gable of the house.
~faidh an dréimire fút, the ladder will give way under you.
Teacht aníos an dréimire, ón abhainn, as poll, to come up the ladder, from the river, out of a hole.
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