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leathcheann, m. (gs. & npl. -chinn, gpl. ~). 1. (a) Side of head. (b) = leiceann. 2. Tilt of head, slant. Chuir sé ~ air féin, he leaned his head to one side. Tá ~ ar an ualach agat, you have tilted the load. Ar ~, slanted. Fig: Tá ~ ar a ghnó, ar a shláinte, his business, his health, has gone awry. 3. Meas: Half-glass (of spirits). 4. One of pair; counterpart, fellow. ~ a fháil do rud, to find a companion for sth. Is é do ~ (eile) é, he is exactly like you; he is just another of your sort. 5. F: Half-wit.
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