Bhí fear ~ fadó, there was a man long ago.
D’imigh sé fada ~ ó shin, he went away a long time ago.
Na ~ta ó shin, a long time ago.
San aimsir chianaosta, long long ago.
~ riamh ó shin, ever so long ago.
Na laethanta ~, the days long ago.
In Éirinn ~, in Ireland long ago.
Fuair sé bás ~, he died a long time ago.
~ riamh, ever so long ago.
~ an fhir fadó, as in the case of the man long ago.
As idirchéin, from afar, from the long ago.
Is fada ó d’~ an bhuain chorráin, reaping with a hook ceased a long time ago.
I bhfad ~, far back, remote; long ago.
ó shin) Fada ó shin, long ago.