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An lá is faide ~ (ná inniu), in time to come.
Is fada an lá ar an ~ sin é, he has been at that game for a long time.
Tá an lá ag éirí fada, the days are lengthening.
An lá ar ~, all day.
Lá ~ samhraidh, a long summer’s day.
An lá is faide anonn, in the distant future.
Lá mór ~, a great long day.
Tá an lá ~ agat, you have the whole day before you.
Is ~ an lá ó bhí mé ann, it is a long time since I was there.
Chomh ~ le lá samhraidh, le lá fliuch, as long as a summer’s day, as a wet day.
Más ~ an lá tig an oíche, everything must come to an end.
Ní fhaca mé é le ~ an lá, den lá, I haven’t seen him for many a day.
Is fada ~ (an lá) ó chonaic mé iad, it is many a long day since I saw them.
~ fada a dhéanamh, to put in a long day.
Is fada an ~ ó chonaic mé thú, it is a long time since I saw you.
B’fhada leo an lá, they thought the day was long.
Lá fada ~, long tedious day.
Ba mhó ab fhada liom an lá, the day seemed long in passing to me.
Trí lá, an ~ is faide, three days, at the longest.
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