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Similar words: seál · íseal · sal · sea · seala
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seal, m. (gs. ~a, pl. ~anna). 1. Turn. Duine ar a sheal, each person in turn. Is é do sheal é, it is your turn. Labhair ar a sheal, he spoke in his turn. Fan le do sheal, wait for your turn. Tiocfaidh mo sheal, my turn will come. 2. While, spell; span, period. ~ oibre, comhrá, spell of work, of conversation. ~ míosa, bliana, a period of a month, of a year. Chaith ~ laethanta ann, I spent a number of days there. ~ fada, gairid, long, short, spell. Fan againn ~ tamaill eile, stay with us for another while. ~ shaol, a part of his life. An ~ is luaithe, is moille, at the earliest, latest. Trí , an ~ is faide, three days, at the longest. Do sheal a bhaint as rud, to make sth. serve ones turn. Chuir isteach a sheal ar na báid, he did his stint on the boats. Ár ~ ar an saol seo, our mortal span. Do sheal a thabhairt, to have ones day, to run ones course. Caithfidh an fiabhras a sheal a thabhairt, the fever must run its course. Bhí a ~ acu, they had their day. Fuair ~ fada, he lasted a long time. thugann rud ar bith ach ~, nothing lasts forever.
Ár seal ~, our time here, in this life.
Seal ~ dár saol, a happy time in our life.
Seal ina ~, along with him for a while.
Seal fhaiteadh na súl, for an instant.
~ re seal, turn and turn about, intermittently.
Seal aithghearr ~a, a short passing while.
~ uasal ach thíos seal thuas seal, everyone has his ups and downs in life.
~ siad a seal, they ran their course.
(Imeacht) sna ~ babhtaí, (to go off) hell for leather.
Bheith ~ seal thuas seal, to have ones ups and downs.
~ rón, seal rookery.
an bhá lán dainmhithe inniu, the bay is full of seals, etc., today.
~ (róin), female seal, cow (seal).
~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to keep ones lips sealed about sth.
~ an séala air, impress the seal on it.
~ shéalaithe, sealing-wax.
~ rónta, shoal of seals.
~ séala, stampa, impression of seal, of stamp.
~ róin, cow seal.
~ róin, seals lair.
~ róin, baby seal.
~ orm, I am tied down, powerless; my lips are sealed.
~ róin, fine fat seal.
~ a chur ar do theanga, to seal ones lips; to shut up.
~ róin, seals flipper.
An rón ag fágáil a neide, the seal leaving its habitat.
Rón a ~adh, to skin a seal.
~í róin, seals flippers.
Séala ~, official seal.
2. ~ róin, young seal.
~ béil, scríofa, faoi shéala, verbal, written, sealed, order.
~ róin, (cave-)haunt of seal.
~ róin, fatness of a seal.
Chomh ~ le rón, as fat as a seal.
~ glas, grey seal.
~ a chur, a bhualadh, ar rud, to seal, impress a seal on, sth.
Do shéala a chur le cáipéis, to set ones seal to a document.
Faoi mo láimh agus mo shéala, given under my hand and seal.
Conradh, litir, faoi shéala, sealed contract, letter.
~ Chríost, the seal of Christ, extreme unction.
~ céarach, luaidhe, wax, leaden, seal.
~ oifigiúil, official seal.
Fáinne ~, seal-ring, signet-ring.
~ buidéil, siúnta, seal of bottle, of joint.
~ Sholaimh, Solomons seal.
Éanlaith, rónta, a sheilg, to hunt for birds, for seals.
Bhí ~ ar mo theanga, (i) I was tongue-tied, (ii) my lips were sealed.
~ róin, bull-seal.
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