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snaidhm1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna). Knot. 1. (a)~ chrua, dhúbailte, double-knot; fast knot. ~ chúrsála, reef-knot. ~ an fhíodóra, weaver’s knot. ~ an ghaid, running knot (on halter, lasso, etc.). ~ reatha, ~ ruthaig, running knot; slip-knot. ~ shaile, timber-hitch. S.a. téadán. (b)~ lúibe, bow-knot. ~ an mhairnéalaigh, sailor’s knot. ~ sheirce, love-knot. (c)~ na péiste, ‘serpent’s knot’ (as part of charm to cure colic in cattle).(d)~ a chur, a scaoileadh, to tie, to undo, a knot. Cuir ~ nó caillfidh tú dhá ghreim, a stitch in time saves nine. 2. Bond. ~ chairdis, bond of friendship. ~ an phósta, tie of marriage. Cuireadh ~ na cléire orthu, they were married in church. Is fusa ~ a chur ná a bhaint, it is easier to enter into an obligation than to get out of it. Chuir siad ~ lena dteanga nach scaoilfidh siad lena gcár, (of married persons) ‘they have tied a knot with their tongues that they will not undo with their teeth’. 3. (Physical) constriction, contortion. ~ sheicne, strangulated hernia. Bhí ~eanna ar mo phutóga le hocras, I had griping pains from hunger. Bhí ~ ar mo chroí, my heart was aching. Tháinig ~eanna ar a aghaidh, his face contorted. Tá ~eanna ar a taobh ag gáire, she is in stitches from laughing. Bhí ~ ar mo theanga, (i) I was tongue-tied, (ii) my lips were sealed. 4. Const: Tie, brace. Lán go ~, full up; crowded. 5. Nau:~eanna = stuimine. 6. Anat:~ chnámh, juncture of bones, joint. 7. Difficulty, problem. Scaoileadh na ~e, (in story, etc.) unravelling of plot. Ní réidh an t~ í le scaoileadh, it is not an easy problem to solve. 8. ~ (de bhata), blow of stick.
snaidhm2, v.t. & i. (vn. ~eadh m, gs. & pp. ~the).1. Knot; bind, tie, entwine; join, unite. Sreangáin a shnaidhmeadh, to knot strings. Do mhéara a shnaidhmeadh ina chéile, to entwine one’s fingers. Shnaidhm siad iad féin ina chéile, they embraced each other. Const:Adhmaid, cúplaí, a shnaidhmeadh, to brace timbers, (roof-)couples. Maide ~the, tie-beam. Clocha ~the, toothing-stones. ~eadh le duine, to unite (in marriage) with s.o. Cairdeas a shnaidhmeadh idir dhaoine, to bind people together in friendship. 2. Anat: Knit.
Snaidhm bhog, loose knot.
Bhog an tsnaidhm liom, the knot came away with me.
Snaidhm chrua, fast knot.
Snaidhm a chur, to tie a knot.
Snaidhm a chur ar rud, to tie a knot on sth.
Snaidhm dhocht, tight knot.
Snaidhm dhoscaoilte, fast knot.
Téad, snaidhm, a fháscadh, to tighten a rope, a knot.
Snaidhm a ghearradh, to cut a knot.
Tá ~ ar a theanga, he is tongue-tied.
~ caoch, fagóideachta, laisce, slabhra, snaidhme, trasna, slip-, faggoting-, whip-, chain-, knot-, cross-, stitch.
Snaidhm ~, tieable knot.
Rudaí a cheangal, a shnaidhmeadh, le chéile, to tie, knot, things together.
~ ceangail, snaidhmthe, tie-beam.
~ an tsnaidhm, the knot slipped.
Snaidhm, ceangal, a ~eadh, to undo a knot, a binding.
~ snaidhme, ceangail, untying of knot, of binding.
Snaidhm seirce, true-love knot.
Níl ~ ná snaidhm le cur i ngeall agam, ‘I have neither a thread nor a stitch at stake’, I have nothing to lose.
~ snaidhme, stopper.
Theann mé na snaidhmeanna, I tightened the knots.
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