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cladach, m. (gs. -aigh, npl. -aí, gpl. ~). 1. Shore. ~ na farraige, the sea-shore. ~ locha, lake shore. ~ ardaithe, raised beach. Cois cladaigh, by the (sea-)shore. Iascaireacht chladaigh, rock-fishing. Lá sa chladach, a day at the sea-shore; a day gathering seaweed. Rith cladaigh a thabhairt do bhád, to run a boat ashore. Timpeall na g~, round the shores, the coast. S.a. barr112, crios 4. 2. Rocky foreshore. S.a. feadóg 2, riabhóg 2. 3. ~ tine, hearthstone; front of fireplace. ~ tine a chur síos, to put on a big fire. 4. Bank; heap, quantity. (a) (Especially in reference to things brought ashore) ~ feamainne, bank of seaweed. ~ éisc, adhmaid, pile of fish, of timber. ~ rónta, shoal of seals. (b)Bhí an balla ina chladach, the wall was reduced to a heap of stones.
~ cladaigh, seaweed growing on upper part of beach.
~ trá, cladaigh, shell-fish, edible seaweed.
Tír, cladach, a bhualadh, to touch land, shore.
~ a bhaint as an gcladach, to hug the shore.
~ na gcladach, traditional shore-dwellers.
Cois abhann, cladaigh, cuain, beside a river, a shore, a harbour.
~ cladaigh, cladachúil, littoral zone.
An talamh, an cladach thall, mullach an tsléibhe, a dhéanamh, to reach land, the far shore, the summit of the mountain.
Cladach ~, bleak shore.
Dhruid siad amach ón gcé, ón gcladach, they stood off from the quay, from the shore.
Cladach ~, a good shore for flotsam and jetsam.
~ an bhóthair, an chladaigh, (all) along the road, the shore.
~ chladaigh, ringed plover.
Ag ~ síos chun an chladaigh, sloping down to the shore.
Má ghabhaimid an cladach, if we make the shore.
Cladach, duga, grábhála, graving beach, dock.
~ cladaigh, talún, inshore fish.
An fharraige ag ~ an chladaigh, the sea nibbling at the shore.
~ trá, cladaigh, outer strand, shore, exposed at low tide.
An t-~ cladaigh a bhaint, to cut the seaweed on the lower shore.
Tá sé ~ le cladach, it is lowlying near the shore.
~ cladaigh, féir, a day for the beach, for haymaking.
Tá casadh géar chun an chladaigh leis, it takes a sharp turn towards the shore.
~ sléibhe, cladaigh, mountain, coast, dwellers.
~ chladaigh, rock pipit.
An cladach ~ thíos, this shore below.
Cladach ~, shelly beach.
~ chladaigh, stock(-gillyflower).
~ cladaigh, top portion of beach.
~ cladaigh, inshore water.
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