maígh1, v.t. & i. (pres. -íonn, fut. -ífidh, vn. -íomh, pp. íte). 1. State, declare, claim. An té atá mé a mhaíomh, the person to whom I refer. Ní hé sin an rud atá mé a mhaíomh, that is not what I am saying. Mhaígh sé go raibh aithne aige ort, he stated that he knew you. Ní haon duine dár mhaígh tú mé, I am none of those you have mentioned. Tá sé maíte air (go), it is said of him (that). Ná bíodh sé le maíomh ort (go), let it not be said of you (that). Gaol a mhaíomh le duine, ar dhuine, to claim relationship with s.o. Níl aon duine maíte ort a dhéanfadh é, nobody connected with you would do it. Mhaígh sé go raibh fiacha aige orm, he claimed that I was indebted to him. 2. Boast. Maíomh as rud, to boast of sth. Ag maíomh as a shinsir, bragging about his forbears. Is beag atá aige le bheith ag maíomh as, he has little to brag about. Ná ~ thú féin as an lá amárach, boast not thyself of tomorrow. A meirgí maíte, their proud banners. 3. Begrudge, envy. Mhaígh sé an tabhartas orm, he begrudged me the gift. Ní mhaím a shaol air, I don’t envy him the life he leads. Níor mhaígh sé a mhaitheas orm, he didn’t grudge me his favour. Ní á mhaíomh ort é, not that I begrudge it to you. Bheifí á mhaíomh orm, it would be held against me. Ní maíte air é, he is not to be envied for it. Ní bheidh sé le maíomh agat orm, I won’t be beholden to you for it; you won’t be able to crow over me about it. Is beag de mhaith an mhaith a mhaítear, to give grudgingly is to spoil the gift. 4. Urge, incite.
maígh2. 1 = maidhm2. 2. (In phrase) Mhaígh a ghean gáire air, he broke into a smile.
Tá ~ maíte acu as, they have reason to boast of him.
Maíomh na bh~ folamh, vain boasting.
Ag maíomh a uaisle agus a fholaíochta, boasting of his nobility and descent.
Ag maíomh ginealais ar dhuine, claiming descent from s.o.; claiming to be of common origin with s.o.
~ gaoil, declaration of, claim to, relationship.
D’imigh siad as ~, they are of no account any more.
~ a dhéanamh as rud, to boast of sth.
Ní ~ ná mustar dó é, it is nothing for him to glory in.
~ éadála ar dhuine, envying of good fortune to s.o.
Maíomh na ~ folamh; focail mhóra is mogaill fholmha, empty words, vain boasts.