~eadh thar sáile iad, they were sent overseas.
Ag ~áil abhaile, chun na hoifige, ar turas, go hÁrainn, thar sáile, going home, to the office, on a journey, to Aran, overseas.
Thar ~, across, beyond, the sea; overseas, abroad.
Tíortha thar ~, overseas, foreign, countries.
Thug sé an ~ amach air féin, he went overseas, emigrated.
An té atá uainn thar sáile, the person who has gone from us overseas.
Dul thar ~, to go overseas.
Ní dheachaigh ~ airm thar lear, not one armed man went overseas.
An dream a chuaigh thar sáile, the people who went overseas.
~ barr, ~ sáile, ~ fulaingt, tip-top, overseas, beyond endurance.
Dul ~ muir, to go overseas.
Thar toinn, over the sea, overseas.