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páirt-2, pref. Part-, partial.
páirt1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna). 1. Part. (a) Portion. ~ de , dár saol, part of the day, of our lives. ~ mhór den fhírinne agat, there is a great deal of truth in what you say. (b) Region. Sa pháirt seo den tír, in this part of the country. (c) Component part. ~eanna fidile, rothair, eitleáin, the parts of a fiddle, of a bicycle, of an aeroplane. Malairt ~e, spare part. (d) Mus:~eanna ceolfhoirne, orchestral parts. (e) Participation. ~ a ghlacadh i rud, to take part in sth. Beartas ~e, joint undertaking. (f) Side in dispute. ~ duine a ghabháil, a ghlacadh, a thógáil, to take the part of s.o. Chuaigh i mo pháirt, he sided with me. (g) Th: ~ duine a dhéanamh, to play the part of s.o. ~ an bhithiúnaigh, the villains part. 2. Partnership, association, alliance. Rud a dhéanamh i b~ le duine, to do sth. in partnership with s.o. an talamh i b~ acu, they share the land. Ceannaígí i b~ é, buy it between you. bíodh baint ~ agat leo, have nothing to do with them. Fear ~e, associate, ally; well-wisher. 3. Fellowship, friendship, affection. Lucht gaoil agus páirte, relatives and friends. Níl mo ghaol mo pháirt ann, I have no relationship or affinity with him. i b~ le gach duine, he is well liked by everybody. A leanbh na ~e, my dear child. Is í croí na ~e í, she is the soul of affection. 4. (In adv. phrases) I b~ an airgid, with regard to the money. I b~ mhaitheasa, well-meant. I mo pháirtse (de), as far as I am concerned.
Níl ~ páirt agam leo, I have no connection whatever with them.
~ phearsanta, i bpáirt, personal, joint, liability.
Páirt a ghabháil (i rud), to take (a) part (in sth.).
Níl ~ cóngas, ~ páirt, agam leis, I am in no way related to him.
Páirt a ghlacadh i rud, to take part in sth.
Páirteanna ~, wearing parts.
~ leanúna, páirte, followers, partisans.
I bpáirt mhaitheasa, in good part.
Rachaidh i bpáirt leat sa ghnó, Ill go into partnership with you in the business.
~fad páirt scéala, I will relate part of their story.
An pháirt ~, the upper part.
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