páirtigh1, v.i. Participate, share (i, le, in, with).
páirtigh2, gsm. of páirteach1.
Páirtithe a chomhcheangal, to coalesce parties.
Páirtí conartha, contracting party.
Páirtí a dheighilt, to split a party.
~ aon pháirtí, deed-poll.
Na páirtithe agus a n-ionpháirtithe, the parties and their privies.
Foireann, páirtí, a ~úint, to follow, support, a team, a party.
~ sé de pháirtí an lucht oibre, he continued to support the workers’ party.
Páirtí ~, interested party.
~ polaitíochta, political party.
~ an Lucht Oibre, the Labour Party.
~ i gcúis, party to a dispute.
~ conartha, contracting party.
An tríú ~, the third party.
Tá a pháirtí leis, he has brought his friends along with him.
~ a mháthar, his mother’s connexions.
An bhfuil do pháirtí féin go maith? Are your own people well?
Bheith i do pháirtí ag duine, to partner s.o.
A pháirtí sa dólás, his fellow in distress.
Cá bhfuil ~ na bróige seo? Where is the pair to this shoe?
~ páirtí, stáit, party, state, policy.
An páirtí a tháinig i ~, the party that came to power.
~ i ngluaiseacht, i bpáirtí, split in movement, in party.
Páirtí, cumann, a ~eadh, to split a party, an association.
Taobhú le páirtí, to adhere to a party.
Páirtí ~a, touring-party.