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Scéal ~, a strange, peculiar, story.
Is iontach an ~ a tháinig dó, he took such a peculiar notion.
Tá aistí dá chuid féin aige, he has his own peculiar ways.
Tá blas ~ air, it has a peculiar taste.
Tá dóigheanna dá chuid féin aige, he has peculiar mannerisms.
Tá ~ ar an teach sin, there is something wrong with, peculiar about, that house.
Tá ~eanna aisteacha aige, he has peculiar ways, mannerisms.
~ ann féin, peculiar fellow.
Nach ~ an duine thú? Aren’t you a peculiar person?
Is aisteach an ~ atá air, he has such a peculiar look about him.
Níl tú ~ leithscéal a bheith agat, you are not without an excuse; you have a peculiar excuse.
féin) Duine ann féin é, he is a peculiar person.
Bhí cuma shonraíoch ar gach uile rud sa mharbhsholas, everything looked peculiar in the half-light.
Tá ~ ar an éide a chaitheann siad, they wear the most peculiar clothes.
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