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rógaire1, m. (gs. ~, pl. -rí). Rogue. ~ de dhuine, roguish person. ~ linbh, roguish, impish, child. An ~ gadaí, the rascally thief. ~ bithiúnaigh, knavish villain. A ~ bhig! You little rogue!
rógaire2 = ruagaire.
Rógaire, bligeard, ~, confirmed rogue, blackguard.
Rógaire ar na hailt é, he is a real rogue.
Fear uasal, rógaire, ar a bhoinn, real gentleman, consummate rogue.
An rógaire ~ sin agat, that fine rogue of yours.
Amadán, rógaire, ~, proper fool, rogue.
Rógaire ~, a proper rogue.
Tá ~ óg, an linbh, an rógaire, air, he looks young, like a child, like a rogue.
~faidh siad rógaire de, they will turn him into a rogue.
Is eisean ~ an rógaire, he is indeed a rogue.
Rógaire ~, roguish thief, unscrupulous person.
Nach í an rógaire bó í? Isn’t she a mischievous cow?
Tá ~ den rógaire ann, there is something of the rogue in him.
Tá sé ag iompú (amach) ina rógaire, he is turning out to be a rogue.
Pótaire, banaí, rógaire, ~, great drinker, lady-killer, rogue.
Bhí ~ an rógaire air, he had all the appearances of a rogue.
Ná ~ liom ar an rógaire sin, don’t speak to me of that rogue.
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