Ga a ~adh, to inflect a ray.
~ dhioscach, ghathach, disc, ray, floret.
Ga solais a chamadh, to refract a ray of light.
Gathanna ag comhchruinniú (ar), rays converging (on).
Gathanna a chruinniú, to focus rays.
Ga solais a dhíriú ar rud, to focus a ray of light on sth.
~thanna trasnaíochta, interfering rays.
Luascóp ~, cathode-ray oscilloscope.
~ solais, pencil of light-rays.
~ solais, ray, beam, streak, of light.
~ céille, dóchais, ray of sense, of hope.
~ léargais, ray of insight.
~ nimhe, electric ray, numb-fish.
~ bhallánach, spotted ray.
3. ~ solais, ray, pencil, of light.
~ gréine, ray of sunlight.